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Aura Essential Oil blend

Aura Essential Oil blend


If you had to pick one thing that described the best of what others see in you what would it be? That little something that means the world, your smile? Your laugh? Your kindness? That smell that always reminds them of you… 


That, is your AURA.


Sometimes less is more, simple is beautiful and the rest just speaks for itself.


Aura Essential oil blend is a little different from the others in the BEST way. It certainly doesn’t lack purpose around the home, in the car or anywhere that needs a little pick me up, however it doesn’t stop there. Try a little Aura as a hair & body perfume, skincare additive or a just couple of drops through your washing cycle.


Our favourite 3 were all we needed for the most heartfelt, sweetest scent;

Ylang Ylang, Neroli and Lemon.

  • Directions

    • Diffuser: Add 3-6 drops of your chosen essential oil blend to a diffuser. 
    • Quick fix: A few deep inhalations from the bottle can help when you are at work, in the car or anytime you need a quick refresh.
    • *Shower/ Bath: Add 2-3 drops to the corner of the shower or in your bath and enjoy the benefits of steam inhalation and create a relaxing atmosphere while nourishing your skin.
    • *Topically: Mix 1-3 drops of chosen essential oil with 10ml carrier oil and apply to wrists, chest or back of the neck.
    • Pillow: Add 1 drop to your pillow before going to bed

    *Always ensure you use skin-safe blends for these practises.

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